Utility functions#
This module serves as a collection for methods not strictly limited to a singular application case.
- src_rec.utils.run_subprocess_in_custom_working_directory(subject_id, cmd)#
Creates a custom work directory to run a freesurfer command within.
- Parameters:
subject_id (string) – Name of the subject whose data is worked on.
cmd (string) – The freesurfer command to be executed in the custom environment.
- src_rec.utils.fast_cross_product(a, b)#
Calculates the cross product between two vectors. Seemingly numpy has too much overhead here to be fast.
- Parameters:
a (numpy.ndarray, shape(n,)) – The 1st vector in the cross product.
b (numpy.ndarray(n,)) – The 2nd vector in the cross product.
- Returns:
res – Crossproduct of vectors a x b.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, shape(n,)
- src_rec.utils.norm_vert(vert)#
Normalizes a vector. Seemingly numpy has too much overhead here to be fast.
- Parameters:
vert (numpy.ndarray, shape(n,)) – The to be normalized vector.
- Returns:
vert – The normalized vector.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, shape(n,)
- src_rec.utils.magn_of_vec(vec)#
Calculates the magnitude of a vector
- Parameters:
vec (numpy.ndarray, shape(n,)) – The vector in question.
- Returns:
magn – The magnitude of vec.
- Return type:
- src_rec.utils.apply_inv_transformation(data, trans)#
Applies the inverse of trans to data.
- datanp.ndarray, shape(n, 3)
The data to be transformed.
- transnp.ndarray, shape(4, 4)
Transformation matrix.
- trans_datanp.ndarray, shape(n, 3)
Transformed data.
- src_rec.utils.calc_quat_angle(a, b)#
Calculate the angle between two quaternions.
- Parameters:
a (numpy.ndarray, shape(4,)) – The 1st quaternion.
b (numpy.ndarray, shape(4,)) – The 2nd quaternion.
- Returns:
angle – The angle between a and b. (scale: radians)
- Return type:
- src_rec.utils.orient_mat_to_block_format(orient_mat)#
Transforms an orientation matrix (rotation matrix) into (sparse) block format.
- Parameters:
orient_mat (numpy.ndarray, shape(valid_vtx_cnt, 3)) – The non-block matrix formatted orientation matrix.
- Returns:
rot – The block matrix formatted orientation matrix.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, shape(valid_vtx_cnt * 3, valid_vtx_cnt)
- src_rec.utils.get_eigenbasis(vortex_normals, valid_vert, cluster_grp, cluster_indices, mri_to_meg_trans, double_precision=40)#
Calculates an orthonormal basis of eigenvector/values for each supporting/valid point.
- Parameters:
vortex_normals (numpy.ndarray, shape(vtx_cnt, 3)) – Normals of the supporting vertices.
valid_vert (numpy.ndarray, shape(vtx_cnt,)) – List of valid/supporting vertices.
cluster_grp (list, len(n,)) – Clusters represented by a single vortex.
cluster_indices (list, len(n,)) – Cluster indices.
mri_to_meg_trans (numpy.ndarray, shape(4, 4)) – Transformation from MRI to head coordinates.
double_precision (double) – Numerical precision of the eigenvectors/values, defaults to 40 digits.
- Returns:
evec – Orthonormal eigenbasis.
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, shape(valid_vtx_cnt * 3, 3)
- src_rec.utils.find_nearest_neighbor(src_pts, tgt_pts, method='kdtree')#
Employs two methods to find the nearest neighbors. In case a src_pts a list of points is provided, a model is trained, otherwise, pretrained models are used if a (KDTree or BallTree objects) are provided.
- src_ptsnumpy.ndarray, shape(m, 3)
Points to build the kd-tree from.
- tgt_ptsnumpy.ndarray, shape(n, 3)
Point to match to the kd-tree.
- neigh_indicesnp.ndarray, shape(n,)
Indices of the nearest neighbors.
- treesklearn.neighbors.KDTree or sklearn.neighbors.BallTree
Tree build from the src pts. To be used in subsequently method calls to avoid rebuilding the tree.
- src_rec.utils.find_valid_vertices(vertices_a, vertices_b, max_neighborhood_size=5)#
Matches freesurfer reconstructed mri vertices (sphere) with model vertices (octahedron).
- Parameters:
vertices_a (numpy.ndarray, shape(m, 3)) – Freesurfer based vertices (sphere).
vertices_b (numpy.ndarray, shape(n, 3)) – Octahedron based vertices.
- Returns:
vert_valid – Binary list of Freesurfer vertices that have a match in the model vertices (octahedron).
- Return type:
numpy.ndarray, shape(m,)