Freesurfer methods#
This module calls freesurfer methods.
- src_rec.freesurfer.init_fs_paths(fs_path, anatomy_path)#
Runs freesurfer initialization steps. These are mandatory for successfull freesurfer exection.
- Parameters:
fs_path (string) – Path to the freesurfer folder. Should contain the ‘bin’ folder, your license.txt, and
anatomy_path (string) – Path to the anatomy folder. This folder should contain a sub-folder for each subject, to be pupulated with the corresponding structural data.
- src_rec.freesurfer.extract_mri_anatomy(anatomy_path, subj_name, t1_scan_file, fiducials_file=None, fiducials_path=None, overwrite=False)#
Extracts anatomical structures from an mri scan using freesurfer.
- Parameters:
anatomy_path (string) – Path to the anatomy folder. This folder should contain a sub-folder for each subject, to be pupulated with the corresponding structural data.
subj_name (string) – Name of the subject.
t1_scan_file (string) – Name of the mri file.
fiducials_file (string) – Name of the fiducials file. If none is present, default fiducials are morphed from fs-average, defaults to None.
fiducials_path (string) – Path to the fiducials file. If none is present, default fiducials are morphed from fs-average, defaults to None.
overwrite (boolean) – Flag whether to overwrite the files of the respective subject folder already exists, defaults to False.
- src_rec.freesurfer.copy_fsavg_anatomy(fs_path, anatomy_path, subj_name, overwrite=False)#
In case no mri scans are available for this subject, fs-average is used as a reference template.
- Parameters:
fs_path (string) – Path to the freesurfer folder. Should contain the ‘bin’ folder, your license.txt, and
anatomy_path (string) – Path to the anatomy folder. This folder should contain a sub-folder for each subject, to be pupulated with the corresponding structural data.
subj_name (string) – Name of the subject.
overwrite (boolean) – Flag whether to overwrite the files of the respective subject folder already exists, defaults to False.
- src_rec.freesurfer.extract_skull_skin(anatomy_path, subject_name, preflood_height=25, overwrite=False)#
Employs freesufers watershed algorithm to calculate skull and skin models.
- Parameters:
anatomy_path (string) – Path to the anatomy folder. This folder should contain a sub-folder for each subject, to be pupulated with the corresponding structural data.
subject_name (string) – Subject name.
preflood_height (int) – Freesurfer parameter. May need adjusting if segmentation doesn’t work properly.
overwrite (boolean) – Flag to overwrite if files are already present. Defaults to False.
- src_rec.freesurfer._create_fiducials(in_path, out_path, subj_name)#
Reads fiducials from fs-average and transforms them from fs-average space into subject space.
- Parameters:
in_path (string) – Path to the src folder.
out_path (string) – Path to the tgt folder.
subj_name (string) – Name of the subject.
- src_rec.freesurfer._format_fiducials(pre_mri_ref_pts)#
Transforms an mne-fiducials object into an dictionary containing the fiducials.
- Parameters:
pre_mri_ref_pts (list of dict(), obtained via – MNE-formatted list of MRI fiducials.
- Returns:
mri_ref_pts – MRI reference points for coregistration.
- Return type:
dict(), (‘LPA’, ‘NASION’, ‘RPA’)