Load brainvision data#

file_io.load_brainvision_data.run(vhdr_path, bad_ch_list=[], preload=False, t_min=None, t_max=None, verbose=None)#

Load data recorded via the brain vision software wrapping mne calls.

  • vhdr – Path to the vhdr file.

  • misc_ch – MISC - channels.

  • preload – If ‘true’ the data is loaded directly in this function. If ‘false’ only a container is created.

  • t_min – Start of the returned recording segment in seconds.

  • t_max – End of the returned recording segment in seconds.

  • verbose – Verbose the command line output.


A raw data object containing either the data or a dummy container and the address of the ‘to be loaded’ data.

This module may be used to read data saved in the brainvision format.