.. _src_rec_apply_label: Model application ================= This part of the guide explains how the inverse model and the fsaverage source space morphing is applied. For previous steps, see :ref:`src_rec_device_label`, :ref:`src_rec_subject_label`, :ref:`src_rec_recording_label`. Herein, the individual commands of this section will be explained in a step-by-step fashion. The first step is to employ the previously created inverse model (see :ref:`src_rec_recording_label`) to transform the data from sensor to source space. .. code-block:: src_data = finnpy.src_rec.inv_mdl.apply(sen_data, inv_mdl) Afterwards, data is moved from subject specific into fs average space. .. code-block:: fsavg_src_data = finnpy.src_rec.subj_to_vsavg.apply(subj_to_fsavg_mdl, src_data) Finally, the in fs-average space defined Desikan-Killiany is employed to consolidate individiual source space channels into regions. .. code-block:: (clust_src_data, chs, ch_names) = finnpy.src_rec.avg_src_reg.run(fsavg_src_data, subj_to_fsavg_mdl, fs_path) This concludes the source construction pipeline. Potential pitfalls during source reconstruction are discussed in :ref:`src_rec_pitfalls_label`.