Guides ====== Although FinnPy provides numerous tools for the analysis of electropohysiological data, the quality of the results derived using these tools equally depends on correct application and configuration of the former. This section contains guides tackling specific topics from the field of electropohysiological data analysis, providing guide to users of this and other frameworks. General ------- Data preparation ---------------- Feature generation ------------------ :ref:`dac_configurator_label` Source reconstruction --------------------- :ref:`src_rec_main_label` :ref:`src_rec_vis_label` Statistics ---------- .. toctree:: :hidden: guides/dac_configurator guides/src_rec_apply guides/src_rec_device guides/src_rec_recording guides/src_rec_subject guides/src_rec_install guides/src_rec_main guides/src_rec_pitfalls guides/src_rec_vis