Direct Modulation Index ======================= .. currentmodule:: cfc.pac .. autofunction:: run_dmi The following example shows how to apply the dmi to estimate PAC. .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Qt5agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import finn.cfc.pac as pac def generate_high_frequency_signal(n, frequency_sampling, frequency_within_bursts, random_noise_strength, offset, burst_count, burst_length): signal = np.random.normal(0, 1, n) * random_noise_strength for burst_start in np.arange(offset, n, n/burst_count): burst_end = burst_start + (burst_length/2) signal[int(burst_start):int(burst_end)] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency_within_bursts * np.arange(0, (int(burst_end) - int(burst_start))) / frequency_sampling) return signal def visualize(scores, best_fits, amplitude_signals, frequencies_between_bursts, tgt_frequency_between_bursts, high_freq_frame_offsets): if(len(scores) < 5): (_, axes) = plt.subplots(2, 2) elif(len(scores) < 10): (_, axes) = plt.subplots(3, 3) elif(len(scores) < 17): (_, axes) = plt.subplots(4, 4) elif(len(scores) < 26): (_, axes) = plt.subplots(5, 5) else: raise NotImplementedError axes = np.reshape(axes, -1) for (ax_idx, ax) in enumerate(axes): ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1, 1/len(amplitude_signals[ax_idx])), amplitude_signals[ax_idx], label = "original data") ax.plot(np.arange(0, 1, 1/len(amplitude_signals[ax_idx])), best_fits[ax_idx], label = "fitted curve") if (frequencies_between_bursts[int(ax_idx % len(high_freq_frame_offsets))] < tgt_frequency_between_bursts): ax.set_title("No PAC, low frequency too low. PAC score: %2.2f" % (scores[ax_idx],)) elif (frequencies_between_bursts[int(ax_idx % len(high_freq_frame_offsets))] > tgt_frequency_between_bursts): ax.set_title("No PAC, low frequency too high. PAC score: %2.2f" % (scores[ax_idx],)) else: ax.set_title("Good PAC, low frequency matches. PAC score: %2.2f" % (scores[ax_idx],)) def main(): #Configure sample data data_range = np.arange(0, 10000) frequency_sampling = 1000 frequencies_between_bursts = [5, 10, 15] tgt_frequency_between_bursts = 10 frequency_within_bursts = 200 high_freq_frame_offsets = [0, 20, 40] #Configure noise data random_noise_strength = 1 #Generate sample data burst_length = frequency_sampling / tgt_frequency_between_bursts burst_count = len(data_range) / frequency_sampling * tgt_frequency_between_bursts high_freq_signals = [generate_high_frequency_signal(len(data_range), frequency_sampling, frequency_within_bursts, random_noise_strength, high_freq_frame_offset, burst_count, burst_length) for high_freq_frame_offset in high_freq_frame_offsets] low_freq_signals = [np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency_between_bursts * data_range / frequency_sampling) for frequency_between_bursts in frequencies_between_bursts] scores = list(); best_fits = list(); amplitude_signals = list() for high_freq_signal in high_freq_signals: for low_freq_signal in low_freq_signals: tmp = pac.run_dmi(low_freq_signal, high_freq_signal, phase_window_half_size = 20, phase_step_width = 5) scores.append(tmp[0]); best_fits.append(tmp[1]); amplitude_signals.append(tmp[2]) #visualization visualize(scores, best_fits, amplitude_signals, frequencies_between_bursts, tgt_frequency_between_bursts, high_freq_frame_offsets) plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() figManager = plt.get_current_fig_manager() figManager.window.showMaximized() = True) main() Using the direct modulation index, PAC has been detected only where there was a match between the high frequency component and the low frequency component: .. image:: img/dmi.png